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Questions and Answers


 Is there any difference in the readings you would get between long or short dowsing rods?
Thank You,  Joe G.



If you are connected to the set there should be no difference in the answers. There my be a difference in the way you get your answers, that depends on how each set reacts to your vibration. Usually though the only differences I hear about, is the difference in how they feel in your hands because of the difference in the size. I recommend the wooden handle rods to people who have to much energy. They wood helps to ground you. Smaller people seem to like the smaller rods. Most people like our original set, the 5x13. I hope that has answered your question. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Thank you,
C. Green
P.S. We have just added an extra large set, 24ins long. We have been asked, to make these by many people, who learned to dowse using this size, so here they are. They seem to be better in the fields. We are also working on a web site to hopefully answer these questions and much more. In fact I am going to list your question on the site, real soon. Thank you














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